Our Approach: Communications

Strategic integration of the role of communications

We help leaders use communications effectively to build relationships and networks, develop champions and investors, motivate employees, sell products and services and build a powerful identity that connects audiences to the entity's value. At MPG Advisors, we know how to build and motivate networks and real time relationships through social media. Our approach is not about using every communications tool. Instead, we know which communications tools to use and how and when to use them.

Example: A community-based nonprofit serving vulnerable children hired MPG Advisors to increase visibility of the program and its successes so that the program could expand into other cities, to increase the number of students served and to raise funds to support both. MPG Advisors conducted a value and perception audit, interviewed key internal leaders and created a robust comprehensive, multi-faceted communications effort. Communications tools and vehicles were carefully selected to reach highly targeted audiences as well as the general public. Today, the program is operating in several additional cities and has a much broader base of support.